Critical Incident Readiness Team (CIRT)

The Critical Incident Readiness Team was created in 1994 following increasing national concerns about incidents of workplace and campus violence. The role of this multi-disciplinary group is to provide for rapid, systematic, and coordinated early intervention in critical incidents. CIRT works with the President and other university leaders to address critical incidents.

Critical incidents may include threats or acts of violence, major demonstrations or riots, floods, major fires, tornadoes, airplane crashes or train derailments, major chemical spills, hostage situations, sniper activity, building collapse or explosion, bomb threats, widespread disease and outbreak, and situations that involve violent individuals or that have risk of escalating to violence.

CIRT is chaired by the Dean of Students and its membership includes staff from the offices of Risk Management, Student Counseling Services, University Counsel, Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost, Human Resource Services, Department of Residence,  University Relations, Office of the Senior Vice President for Student Affairs, Dean of Students Office, Environmental Health and Safety, Graduate College, Equal Opportunity, and the Department of Public Safety.

CIRT meets routinely to discuss potentially emerging issues as well as engage in emergency readiness planning, CIRT also meets in the event of emergencies as listed above, CIRT discussions are typically considered confidential in nature.

Threat Assessment

Early in CIRT's existence, the team identified a need for effectively gathering information and assessing situations involving threats of violence. The ISU Police Division has coordinated this function since CIRT's inception. While threat assessment is coordinated through ISU Police, it often involves the Dean of Students Office, Human Resource Services, Department of Residence, and other entities on campus.

As in any potentially dangerous situation, please call ISU Police by dialing 911 from a campus phone, or 515-294-4428 to reach ISU Police Dispatch from a non-campus phone. (Dialing 911 from a cell phone will route you to Ames Police, which will then route you to ISU Police.)

What Do I Do If I Have Concerns or Questions?

As in any potentially dangerous situation, please call ISU Police by dialing 911 from a campus phone, or 515-294-4428 to reach ISU Police Dispatch from a non-campus phone. (Dialing 911 from a cell phone will route you to Ames Police, which will then route you to ISU Police.)

Other helpful resources, particularly for non-emergency situations and general questions and information include:

For general information about services and safety issues, please feel free to contact the ISU Police (294-4428) or the Dean of Students Office (294-1020). In addition to this information, both ISU Police and the Student counseling Service (294-5056) provide outreach and consultation to faculty and staff, helping them identify signs that an individual may be at risk and how to manage those situations. ISU Police also provide education and outreach to the ISU community when providing an initial response to persons who may suffer from mental health problems and/or may pose a harm to themselves and others.


Sharron Evans, Associate Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students (chair)

Erin Baldwin, Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs and Director of Thielen Student Health Center 

Rob Bowers, Director of Emergency Management and Accreditation, Department of Public Safety 

Kristen Constant, Interim Vice President and Chief Information Officer, IT Services

Bob Currie, Director of Facilities Services, Facilities Planning and Management 

Carolyn Cutrona, Associate Dean, Graduate College

Paula DeAngelo, Deputy Counsel, Office of University Counsel

Margo Foreman, Equal Opportunity, Title IX Coordinator

Chris Hanes, Director, Student Counseling Services 

Angie Hunt, Director, Media Relations

Susie Johnson, Director, Office of Risk Management

Andrea Little, Employee and Labor Relations, University Human Resources

Michael Newton, Associate Vice President for Public Safety and Chief of Police 

Michael Norton, University Counsel

Clayton Oliver, Assistant Emergency Manager, Environmental Health and Safety 

David Popelka, Associate Chief Information Officer, IT Services

Rob Schweers, Director of Communications, Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost 

Stephen Simpson, Director, Emergency Management and Outreach, Environmental Health and Safety 

Virginia Speight, Associate Director, Department of Residence

Jennifer Suchan, Registrar, Office of the Registrar 

Kipp Van Dyke, Assistant Dean of Students and Director of Student Assistance 

Jerry Zamzow, Assistant Vice President for Research, Office of the Vice President for Research